Reino Talk


Saturday, October 4, 2008

So Far

I have not followed up on what I said I would in the previous post. I have been busy settling in here in a new city. I have not had the time or opputunity to do any art work. soon I hope.

A couple things; I am frequently asked "what do you want" or 'want to do" when the looking for work topic comes around. I don't think that way. Seldom does what i want have anything to do with anything. I am sure this is honest outcome of my experiences and background. I am thinking though that it could not hurt to start operating in a different manner. I do not have an idea of what I want. I have some vague and general concepts but I cannot imagine jobs or work that would fulfill my desires. I do know it isn't at 7-11 and the like where I have been applying and have yet to secure work at. Long story short is a change in stratagie can't hurt where I am and might offer some oppurtunities that I have yet to have.

The other thing is I do need to start the angling for the non-work (strictly work for money work) aspects of my life. The people I know, how I spend my time where I hang out. Historically I spend my time at 'home" and I have always felt the distant pull of the world outside this. I know for a fact not everyone live like I do and are somehow able to be out in the world in useful and/or enjoyable ways. This too should be me. At least i should have the informed option.

Nothing I have done here has worked against this but It hasn't really worked towards it either. So.....time will tell.
I am throwing in a random picture just for something to look at. I cannot comment on it as I do not know what it is yet.


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